"...He said he couldn't say anymore."
I have no god and no master. If only all XJWs could say the same.
on december 12, 2015 this statement was made by the copyright holder:.
i am presently considering three different routes to publishing crisis of conscience.
i hope to make a decision within days and plan to publish within weeks.. it has now been 50 weeks since that statement.. has the book been published yet?
"...He said he couldn't say anymore."
I have no god and no master. If only all XJWs could say the same.
on december 12, 2015 this statement was made by the copyright holder:.
i am presently considering three different routes to publishing crisis of conscience.
i hope to make a decision within days and plan to publish within weeks.. it has now been 50 weeks since that statement.. has the book been published yet?
Xelder and WingCommander have identified themselves as members of the freeloading parasite class.
Who else wants to step up and hurl criticism at me for putting my money where my enthusiasm lies and peeling off a few bills to help republish a book the XJW community said was "essential"?
Now I'm being called a "sucker" and the lawless throng of XJWs are saying "Copyright be damned! Piracy rules! Information wants to be free!"
Knock yourselves out, jerks.
i may have missed this, but can anyone tell me what was the pretext the gb concocted to justify their abandonment of a perfectly suitable, high-profile, high-visibility complex in what is arguably the world's greatest metropolis for the bucolic isolation of upstate new york.
any how does the move square with their purported belief in the imminence of armageddon?
This may sound stupid (and of course it is) but it comes down to apocalypse-seeking:
Matthew 24:15-16 (ASV) --
"15 When therefore ye see the abomination of desolation, which was [a]spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in [b]the holy place (let him that readeth understand), 16 then let them that are in Judaea flee unto the mountains: "
just a heads up, since the last update the like / dislike votes sometimes don't display immediately due to caching.
they are all definitely counted though and will appear eventually, the issue is purely with the display part.
i'll look at fixing the cache so it's more immediate..
The post I made just seconds ago displays "in an hour" in the upper right corner of the message box. It's wacky.
just a heads up, since the last update the like / dislike votes sometimes don't display immediately due to caching.
they are all definitely counted though and will appear eventually, the issue is purely with the display part.
i'll look at fixing the cache so it's more immediate..
Editing recently posted messages seems problematical too.
on december 12, 2015 this statement was made by the copyright holder:.
i am presently considering three different routes to publishing crisis of conscience.
i hope to make a decision within days and plan to publish within weeks.. it has now been 50 weeks since that statement.. has the book been published yet?
So it appears that when the call went out for people to assist with the republishing effort, almost nobody responded with tangible help. How admirable!
...and you wonder why nothing happens. The Israelites were from the "bitch and moan" class the tradition continues...
Unless an Atlas comes along with shoulders wide enough to carry a project by him (or her) self, there is little in the way of truly cooperative efforts.
the title should have read, "assault by a member toward another member".
(unfortunately, i couldn't find a way to edit the title).
you happen to be driving by what looks to be your own empty kingdom hall and something doesn't look quite right.
Mmmm, another delicious chunk of leftover Thanksgiving MEAT!
Coming soon: Who can dance on the head of a pin?
Stay tuned...
POWERFUL thread here; deep philosophical meat. NOT!
i'm looking for a bit of guidance here and not really sure where to turn.
maybe someone has been in a similar situation and can help me out.. currently i'm an awake, baptized jw.
have been for a few years.
According to Google each day 151,600 people die each day.
Death is a natural conclusion of life.
Your troublesome sibling ought to meditate that soon it will be their turn.
It is foolish to risk your life for nothing -- and you WILL be risking your life -- do you think that everyone survives donor surgery?
You cannot save the world, and you cannot save those too dumb to want saving.
My condolences.
on december 12, 2015 this statement was made by the copyright holder:.
i am presently considering three different routes to publishing crisis of conscience.
i hope to make a decision within days and plan to publish within weeks.. it has now been 50 weeks since that statement.. has the book been published yet?
I sent the copyright holder $1,000 to assist with publishing costs. Did anyone else send her contributions?
I'm very disappointed.
Time and circumstance befall us all, and some are just cheats, grifters and theives.